🤩5 amazing reasons why the wolverine rocks👍
In this post, I will be showing you 5 amazing reasons why the wolverine rocks.
1. Wolverines are apex predators.🍗
Did you know wolverines are apex predators?
Even though they are smaller than lynxs and arctic wolves, wolverines are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, why are wolverines apex predators?
The reason why is because they are very tough and strong with a bite force of 50 PSI making it a formidable foe against threats.
2. Wolverines can climb.👍
Did you know wolverines can climb?
Just like its cousin the honey badger, wolverines can climb. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, why can wolverines climb?
The reason wolverines can climb is because of their sharp and long claws.
3. Wolverines sometimes follow eurasian lynxes.🤝
Did you know wolverines sometimes follow eurasian lynxes?
Even though they are very ferocious, wolverines sometimes follow eurasian lynxes. Isn’t that overwhelming?
Now, why do wolverines sometimes follow eurasian lynxes?
The reason why is that following a eurasian lynx helps the wolverine to find food. Since wolverines are also scavengers, they follow the lynx to eat the remnants of carcasses from the prey. However, they don’t have a cooperative relationship as both creatures tend to avoid each other.
4. Wolverines are weasels.😬
Did you know wolverines are weasels?
Even though they look like miniature bears, but wolverines are weasels. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, why are wolverines weasels?
The reason why is because unlike bears, they are members of the weasel subfamily of Mustelidae, not the bear family called Ursidae. So the wolverine is a weasel, also called ratel.
5. They are the largest weasels.
Did you know they are the largest weasels?
Even though they are quite small, they are the largest weasels. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, why are they the largest weasels?
The reason is because of their size they grow to be. They can be 3 feet long and weigh 29 kilograms.
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