5 reasons why the tasmanian devil rocks

🤩5 reasons why the tasmanian devil rocks👍

Last Updated: August 22, 2022By

In this post, I will be showing you 5 reasons why the tasmanian devil rocks.

1. Tasmanian devils are mostly scavengers.🥩

Tasmanian devils are mostly scavengers
They are mostly scavengers.
Source: Google

Did you know tasmanian devils are mostly scavengers?

Even though they are found eating flesh, tasmainian devils are mostly scavengers. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are tasmanian devils mostly scavengers?

The reason why is because they have developed a diet mainly of carcasses and this is a lot easier than hunting although they also eat small mammals.

2. Tasmanian devils are marsupials.😶

Tasmanian devils are marsupials
They are marsupials.
Source: Google

Did you know tasmanian devils are marsupials?

Even though there look like dogs, tasmanian devils are marsupials. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are tasmanian devils marsupials?

The reason why is because of their DNA shows that they are more related to kangaroos and quokkas and are in the family Marsupialia.

3. Tasmanian devils are the largest carnivorous marsupials on the planet.

Tasmanian devils are the largest carnivorous marsupials on the planet
They are big.
Source: Google

Did you know tasmanian devils are the largest carnivorous marsupials on the planet?

Even though they are small, tasmainian devils are the largest carnivorous marsupials on the planet. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are tasmanian devils the largest carnivorous marsupials on the planet?

The reason why is because of the size they grow up to be. They can be up to 2 feet long.

4. Baby tasmanian devils have friendships that last throughout their lives.🤝

Baby tasmanian devils have friendships that last throughout their lives
They have life long friendships.
Source: Google

Did you know baby tasmanian devils have friendships that last throughout their lives?

Even though they tend to be solitary, baby tasmanian devils have friendships that last throughout their lives. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do baby tasmanian devils have friendships that last throughout their lives?

The reason why is that when they leave their mothers, they socialize together and then become good friends.

5. Tasmanian devils store fat in their tails.

Tasmanian devils store fat in their tails
They store fat in their tails.
Source: Google

Did you know tasmanian devils store fat in their tails?

Even though their tails are sometimes thin, tasmanian devils store fat in their tails. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do tasmanian devils store fat in their tails?

The reason why is because they need it to stay healthy so seeing a tasmanian devil with a fat tail means it’s healthy.

📷Tasmanian Devil- In Pictures

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