6 cool reasons why the giant panda rocks

🤩6 cool reasons why the giant panda rocks👍

Last Updated: August 20, 2022By

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the giant panda rocks.

1. Giant pandas are omnivores.🍖🍃

Giant pandas are omnivores
They are omnivores.
Source: Google

Did you know giant pandas are omnivores?

Even though they are found eating plants, giant pandas are omnivores. Isn’t that disgusting but amazing?

Now, why are giant pandas omnivores?

The reason why is because they have developed a diet of plants and flesh. Bamboo makes 99% of their diet while other vegetation, fish and small mammals makes up 1% of their diet.

2. Giant pandas can climb.🌲

Giant pandas can climb
They can climb.
Source: Google

Did you know giant pandas can climb?

Even though there are not many bears that climb, giant pandas can climb. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why can giant pandas climb?

The reason why is because of their large paws and sharp claws which helps it climb up to 11,000 feet high or more!

3. Giant pandas can swim.🤿

Giant pandas can swim
They can swim.
Source: Google

Did you know giant pandas can swim?

Just like most bears, giant pandas can swim. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why can giant pandas swim?

The reason why is because of their powerful legs which help them move effortlessly in the water.

4. Giant pandas are big eaters.🥧

Giant pandas are big eaters
They are big eaters.
Source: Google

Did you know giant pandas are big eaters?

Even though bears don’t eat too much, giant pandas are big eaters. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are giant pandas big eaters?

The reason why is that they have to eat up to 37.5 kg of food every day and that is up to 15% of its weight.

5. Giant pandas eat for 12 hours a day.🕛

Giant pandas eat for 12 hours a day
They eat for long.
Source: Google

Did you know giant pandas eat for 12 hours a day?

Even though they look like seals, giant pandas eat for 12 hours a day. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do giant pandas eat for 12 hours a day?

The reason why is because they eat a lot fast and also bamboo is not very nutritious so to stay healthly they have to eat a lot for 12 hours a day.

6. Their thumb is actually an enlarged wrist bone.

Their thumb is actually an enlarged wrist bone
Thier thumb is a wrist bone.
Source: Google

Did you know their thumb is actually an enlarged wrist bone?

Even though bears don’t have thumbs, their thumb is actually an enlarged wrist bone. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why is their thumb actually an enlarged wrist bone?

The reason why is because of the food they eat. They use this thumb along with her other five fingers to grip unto the bamboo and to be able to handle it.

📷Giant Panda- In Pictures

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