6 cool reasons why the kakapo rocks

🤩6 cool reasons why the kakapo rocks👍

Last Updated: September 24, 2022By

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the kakapo rocks.

1. Kakapos are parrots.🦜

Kakapos are parrots
They are parrots.
Source: Google

Did you know kakapos are parrots?

You might not know this, but kakapos are parrots. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are kakapos parrots?

The reason why is because DNA analysis has shown that they are closely related to other parrot species like military macaws, scarlet macaws etc. and belong to the family Psittacidae.

2. Kakapos are the heaviest parrots on the planet.

Kakapos are the heaviest parrots on the planet
They are heavy.
Source: Google

Did you know kakapos are the heaviest parrots on the planet?

Even though there are many heavy parrots, kakapos are the heaviest parrots on the planet. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are kakapos the heaviest parrots on the planet?

The reason is because their size. They can weigh up to 4 kilograms.

3. Kakapos are the largest parrots.🦜

Kakapos are the largest parrots
They are big.
Source: Google

Did you know kakapos are the largest parrots?

Even though there are many large parrots, kakapos are the largest parrots. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are kakapos are the largest parrots?

The reason why is because of the size the gene inhabiting growth allows them to access. They can be up to be up to 3 feet long.

4. Kakapos can live to be 130 years old.👴

Kakapos can live to be 130 years old
They live long lives.
Source: Google

Did you know kakapos can live to be 130 years old?

Unlike all parrots, kakapos can live to be 130 years old. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why can kakapos can live to be 130 years old?

The reason why is because it is hardwired into their lives to live very long. That is just what makes them live long lives.

5. Kakapos are excellent climbers.

Kakapos are excellent climbers
They are excellent at climbing.
Source: Google

Did you know kakapos are excellent climbers?

Unlike other parrots, kakapos are excellent climbers. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are kakapos excellent climbers?

The reason why is because of their strong legs and sharp talons helps them climb through the tree with ease.

6. Kakapos are the only flightless parrots on the planet.

Kakapos are the only flightless parrots on the planet
They are flightless.
Source: Google

Did you know kakapos are the only flightless parrots on the planet?

Unlike other parrots, kakapos are the only flightless parrots on the planet. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are kakapos the only flightless parrots on the planet?

The reason why is because of the size they grow to. For a bird of their size and weight, they are too heavy to climb so they walk and climb to get around.

📷Kakapo- In Pictures


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