6 cool reasons why the puff adder rocks

🤩6 cool reasons why the puff adder rocks👍

Last Updated: November 22, 2022By

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the puff adder rocks.

1. The puff adder got its name from its defense.

The puff adder got its name from its defense
They got their name from their defense.
Source: Google

Did you know the puff adder got its name from its defense?

Like many different viper subspecies on the planet, the puff adder got its name from its defense. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why did the puff adder get its name from its defense?

The reason why is because its defense is to inflate its body as a warning that it has a cytotoxic venom which can cause swelling, pain, blisters and tissue damage. So because of its defense, it was called the puff adder.

2. Puff adders make more human fatalities than any other snake in South Africa.

Puff adders make more human fatalities than any other snake in South Africa
They are extremely dangerous.
Source: Google

Did you know puff adders make more human fatalities than any other snake in South Africa?

Even though there are different snakes that cause many human fatalities, puff adders make more human fatalities than any other snake in South Africa. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do puff adders make more human fatalities than any other snake in South Africa?

The reason why is because of its aggressive nature. It lives in such a wild environment that it attack anything that looks, smells or sounds like a threat. So this is why they cause more fatalities than other South African snakes.

3. Puff adders are the fifth largest of all viper subspecies on the planet Earth.🐍

Puff adders are the fifth largest of all viper subspecies on the planet Earth
They are large.
Source: Google

Did you know puff adders are the fifth largest of all viper subspecies on the planet Earth?

Even though they are many big vipers that live all around our planet Earth, puff adders are the fifth largest of all viper subspecies on the planet Earth. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are puff adders the fifth largest of all viper subspecies on the planet Earth?

The reason why is because of the size their gene inhibiting growth allows them to grow too. They can be up to 5.5 feet long.

4. Puff adders are the second largest vipers on the continent of Africa.🌍

Puff adders are the second largest vipers on the continent of Africa
They are huge.
Source: Google

Did you know puff adders are the second largest vipers on the continent of Africa?

Even though there are large vipers that live on the continent of Africa, puff adders are the second largest vipers on the continent of Africa. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are puff adders the second largest vipers on the continent of Africa?

The reason why is because of the size their gene inhabiting growth allows them to get up to. The puff adder is a large viper that can reach up to 7 kilograms by weight.

5. Puff adders are one of the most polite snakes on the planet.

Puff adders are one of the most polite snakes on the planet
They are very polite.
Source: Google

Did you know puff adders are one of the most polite snakes on the planet?

Like every other viper subspecies on planet Earth, puff adders are one of the most polite snakes on the planet. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are puff adders one of the most polite snakes on the planet?

The reason why is that they always warn against any threat of a venomous bite with the inflation of their entire body before they strike. So since it tells you to back off, the puff adder is a very polite snake.

6. Puff adders can taste water, ground, and air.💨🌊

They can collect chemicals.
Source: Google

Did you know puff adders can taste water, ground, and air?

Like every viper species, gaboon vipers can taste water, ground, and air. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why can puff adders taste water, ground, and air?

The reason why is because of their tongue has the ability to collect chemicals in the air, ground, or water without touching. Once the tongue is in Jacobson’s organ, different chemicals evoke different electrical signals which are relayed to the brain. That is how they use their tongue to hunt prey.

📷Puff Adder- In Pictures

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