🤩6 cool reasons why the red panda rocks👍
In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the red panda rocks.
1. Red pandas are omnivores.🍖🍃
Did you know red pandas are omnivores?
Even though they are found eating plants, red pandas are omnivores. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, why are red pandas omnivores?
The reason why is because they have developed a diet of plants and flesh. Bamboo makes 90% of their diet while fruits, bird eggs and small lizards makes up 10% of their diet.
2. Red pandas can climb.🌲
Did you know red pandas can climb?
Even though there are not many bears that climb, red pandas can climb. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, why can red pandas climb?
The reason why is because of their large paws and sharp claws which helps it climb very high.
3. Red pandas are the largest members of their family.
Did you know red pandas are the largest members of their family?
Even though it is slightly larger than a house cat, red pandas are the largest members of their family. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, why are red pandas the largest members of their family?
The reason why is because of the size they grow to be. They can be up to 4 feet long.
4. Red pandas are not pandas.🐼
Did you know red pandas are not pandas?
Even though their name have panda in it, red pandas are not pandas. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, why are red pandas not pandas?
The reason why is that their DNA has shown earlier that they are closely related to raccoons but with new DNA analysis, it has been discovered that it is related to … itself! This is because they are the only members of their family called Ailuridae.
5. Red pandas detect prey using their tongues.😲
Did you know red pandas detect prey using their tongues?
Unlike other carnivores, red pandas detect scent using their tongues. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, why do red pandas detect prey using their tongues?
The reason why is because they use the bottom of their tongue, a cone-like structure to collect the liquid and bring it close to a gland in their mouth so that they can detect prey
6. Their thumb is actually an enlarged wrist bone.
Did you know their thumb is actually an enlarged wrist bone?
Even though bears don’t have thumbs, their thumb is actually an enlarged wrist bone. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, why is their thumb actually an enlarged wrist bone?
The reason why is because of the food they eat. They use this thumb along with their other five fingers to grip unto the bamboo and to be able to handle it and also to climb well.
📷Red Panda- In Pictures
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