6 cool reasons why the snow leopard rocks

🤩6 cool reasons why the snow leopard rocks👍

Last Updated: October 8, 2022By

In this post, I will be showing you 6 cool reasons why the snow leopard rocks.

1. Snow leopards are apex predators.🍖

Snow leopards are apex predators
They are apex predators.
Source: Google

Did you know snow leopards are apex predators?

As it is the largest predator in its habitat, snow leopards are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are snow leopards apex predators?

The reason why is because they are very tough and strong with a bite force of about 500 PSI making it a formidable foe against threats.

2. Snow leopards can climb.🌲

Snow leopards can climb
They can climb.
Source: Google

Did you know snow leopards can climb?

Just like most of its closest relatives, snow leopards can climb. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why can snow leopards climb?

The reason bobcats can climb is because of their sharp retractable claws and powerful legs.

3. Snow leopards are in the big cat family called Pantherine.

Snow leopards are in the big cat family called Pantherine
They are in the group Pantherine.
Source: Google

Did you know snow leopards in the big cat family called Pantherine?

Even though they can not roar like other big cats, snow leopards are in the big cat family called Pantherine. Isn’t that overwhelming?

Now, why are snow leopards in the big cat family called Pantherine?

The reason why is because they have a scientific name which is Panthera Uncia which allows the snow leopard to actually be in the big cat family even though they can’t roar like some big cats such as lion, tiger, jaguar and leopard.

4. Snow leopards live in the harshest weather climate of all cats.⛰️

Snow leopards live in the harshest weather climate of all cats
They live in mountains.
Source: Google

Did you know snow leopards live in the harshest weather climate of all cats?

Unlike every other cat on this planet, snow leopards live in the harshest weather climate of all cats. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do snow leopards live in the harshest weather climate of all cats?

The reason why is because they have something called adaptive radiation. They are cats, but they have evolved to have every feature they need to survive in elevations of up to 18,000 feet high. The features that helps a snow leopard in its habitat are listed below: Short front legs, long hind legs and a long tall up to meter long for keeping balance on the rocky precipices, round short ears to reduce heat, a well-developed chest that helps them draw oxygen from the thin air of the high mountains and wide fur-covered paws for protection of cold and to distribute its weight over soft snow.

5. Their closest relative in the big cat family is the tiger.🐅

Their closest relative in the big cat family is the tiger
They are more closely related to tiger.
Source: Google

Did you know their closest relative in the big cat family is the tiger?

Even though people think snow leopards are more related to leopards, their closest relative in the big cat family is the tiger. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why is their closest relative in the big cat family the tiger?

The reason is because of they share more genes with the tiger making it the tiger’s closest living relative.

6. Snow leopards are the seventh largest cats on the planet.

Snow leopards are the seventh largest cats on the planet
They are quite large.
Source: Google

Did you know snow leopards are the seventh largest cats on the planet?

Even though there are many large cats on this planet, snow leopards are the seventh largest cats on the planet. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are snow leopards are the seventh largest cats on the planet?

The reason is because the size their gene inhabiting growth allows them to be. They are up to 5 feet long, up to 2 feet tall and weigh up to 54 kilograms.

📷Snow Leopard- In Pictures

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