8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks

8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks

Last Updated: August 9, 2022By

In this post, I will be showing you 8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks.

1. Arctic wolves are the second largest of the dog family.

8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks
Grey wolves are the largest dogs.
Source: Google

Did you know arctic wolves are the second largest of the dog family?

Even though many dogs are big, arctic wolves are the second largest of the dog family. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are arctic wolves the second largest of the dog family?

The reason why arctic wolves are the second largest of the dog family is because of the size they are meant to go into. They can be up to 5 feet tall.

2. Arctic wolves can swim.

8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks
Grey wolves can swim.
Source: Google

Did you know arctic wolves can swim?

Just like other wolves, arctic wolves can swim. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why can arctic wolves swim?

The reason arctic wolves can swim is because of their strong legs. These legs are super strong so the arctic wolf can swim and the arctic wolf was born to like water and use it to cool off.

3. Arctic wolves are apex predators.

8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks
Grey wolves are apex predators.
Source: Google

Did you know arctic wolves are apex predators?

Even though they are smaller than mushox or caribou, arctic wolves are apex predators. Isn’t that overwhelming?

Now, why are arctic wolves apex predators?

The reason why arctic wolves are apex predators is because of their sheer strength, size and teamwork. They have a bite force of 400-1,500 PSI.

4. Arctic wolves have two coats of fur on thier bodies.

8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks
Grey wolves can adopt.
Source: Google

Did you know arctic wolves have two coats of fur on thier bodies?

Even though wolves have one layer of fur,arctic wolves have two coats of fur on thier bodies. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do arctic wolves have two coats of fur on thier bodies?

The reason why is because these layers of fur helps the arctic wolf thrive in harsh condition. The inner layer of fur serves as a waterproof jacket while the outer layer of fur is for warmth and this layer gets thicker as the winter goes by.

5. The fur of an arctic wolf is for camoflauge.

8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks
Grey wolves are enduring predators.
Source: Google

Did you know the fur of an arctic wolf is for camoflauge?

Like some animals, the fur of an arctic wolf is for camoflauge?

Now, why is the fur of an arctic wolf for camoflauge?

The reason is that their white fur helps them blend with the snow so the they are hard for prey to see.

6. Arctic wolves don’t howl at the moon.

8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks
Wolves howling at the moon is just a myth.
Source: Google

Did you know arctic wolves don’t howl at the moon?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but arctic wolves don’t howl at the moon. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why don’t arctic wolves howl at the moon?

The reason is that howling at the moon is a myth. If an arctic wolf howls at night, know that it’s communicating with its pack or telling other packs that it is its territory.

7. Arctic wolves are the fastest of the dog family.

8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks
Grey wolves are endurant. Source: Google

Did you know arctic wolves are the fastest of the dog family?

Even though most dogs are made for endurance, arctic wolves are the fastest of the dog family! Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are arctic wolves are the fastest of the dog family?

The reason why is that they have powerful legs and this helps them run at speeds of 75 kilometers per hour/46 mph for long distances.

8. Arctic wolves have fur on their paws and thicker pads than most wolves.

8 reasons why the arctic wolf rocks
Grey wolves have good sense of smell. Source: Google

Did you know that arctic wolves have fur on their paws and thicker pads than most wolves?

Even though wolves don’t have thick pads, arctic wolves have fur on their paws and thicker pads than most wolves. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do arctic wolves have fur on their paws and thicker pads than most wolves?

The reason why is that they need thick pads and fur to move effectively. These are for grip on snow and slippery places.

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