8 reasons why the shortfin mako shark rocks

Last Updated: August 7, 2022By

In this post, I will be showing you 8 reasons why the shortfin mako shark rocks.

1. Shortfin mako sharks are apex predators!

8 reasons why the shortfin mako shark rocks
They are apex predators.
Source: Google

Did you know shortfin mako sharks are apex predators?

They might be smaller than other animals like orcas or tiger sharks but shortfin mako sharks are apex (animals that are not eaten) predators. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are shortfin mako sharks apex predators?

The reason why shortfin mako sharks are apex animals is because they are incrediblly strong so they can kill a large variety of prey alone.

2. Shortfin mako sharks are the second fastest creatures of the sea!

8 reasons why the shorfin mako shark rocks
They are fast.
Source: Google

Did you know shortfin mako sharks are the second fastest creatures of the sea?

Even though it is very big, shortfin mako sharks are the third fastest creatures of the sea. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are shortfin mako sharks the second fastest creatures of the sea?

The reason is that the body shape of the shortfin mako shark helps it move easily through the water like torpedos at speeds of 100 kmh/63 mph.

3. Shortfin mako sharks are the fastest sharks!

8 reasons why the shortfin mako shark rocks
They are quick.
Source: Google

Did you know shortfin mako sharks are the fastest sharks?

They might be slower than billfishes, but shortfin mako sharks are the fastest sharks. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are shortfin mako sharks the fastest sharks?

The reason why is because of their stream-lined body allowing them to move effortlessly.

4. Shortfin mako sharks have the largest brain relative to body size of any shark!

8 reasons why the shortfin mako shark rocks
The great white was luck.
Source: Google

Did you know shortfin mako sharks have the largest brain relative to body size of any shark?

Even though they are smaller than the other species of mako sharks, great white sharks were luckier than megaladons. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do shortfin mako sharks have the largest brain relative to body size of any shark?

The reason why is that the brain of the shortfin mako shark grows very big and along with this comes intelligence for this shark.

5. Shortfin makos are one of the only warm-blooded sharks.

8 reasons why the shortfin mako shark rocks
They are warm-blooded!
Source: Google

Did you know that shortfin makos are one of the only warm-blooded sharks?

Even though they are fish, shortfin makos are one of the only warm-blooded sharks. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are shortfin makos one of the only warm-blooded sharks?

The reason is that their body needs heat to move very far and to swim very fast.

6. Shortfin makos are one of the only sharks that give birth to live babies.

8 reasons why the shortfin mako shark rocks
Their babies are born alive! Source: Google

Did you know that shortfin makos are one of the only sharks that give birth to live babies?

Even though they are fish, shortfin makos are one of the only sharks that give birth to live babies. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are shortfin makos are one of the only sharks that give birth to live babies?

The reason why is that their eggs hatch in their stomachs so when giving birth, the babies are alive.

7. Shortfin mako sharks are the smallest species of mako shark.

They are, in a way, small and big.
Source: Google

Did you know that shortfin mako sharks are the smallest species of mako shark?

Even though they are big, shortfin mako sharks are the smallest species of mako shark. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are shortfin mako sharks the smallest species of mako shark?

The reason why is because of they size they grow into. They can be up to 11 feet long. But either way, they are not small.

8. Shortfin mako sharks have a symbiotic relationship with cleaner fish.

Cleaner fish clean shortfin mako tooths!
Source: Google

Did you know that shortfin makos have a symbiotic relationship with cleaner fish?

Even though they eat anything they can catch, great whites have a symbiotic relationship with cleaner fish. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do shortfin makos have a symbiotic relationship with cleaner fish?

The reason why is because having this kind of relationship gives each animal in the relationship good results. In this case: the shortfin makos visits a cleaning station in the sea and gets in position. Then cleaner fishes come and eat the parasites on the shortfin mako’s teeth and to them its food. So the shortfin mako gets its teeth cleaned and cleaner fish get food. Want to learn more? Click here.

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