7 cool reasons why the american alligator rocks

🤩7 cool reasons why the american alligator rocks👍

Last Updated: August 20, 2022By

In this post, I will be showing you 7 cool reasons why the american alligator rocks.

1. American alligators are apex predators.🍖

American alligators are apex predators
They are apex predators.
Source: Google

Did you know american alligators are apex predators?

Even though they are smaller than american crocodiles, american alligators are apex predators. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are american alligators apex predators?

The reason why is because they are strong and they have a bite force of 2,980 PSI. This makes them apex predators.

2. American alligators are the largest of their family.

American alligators are the largest of their family
They are big.
Source: Google

Did you know american alligators are the largest of their family?

Even though they are many big reptiles, american alligators are the largest of their family. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are american alligators the largest of their family?

The reason why is because of the size they grow to. They can weigh up to 453 kilograms.

3. American alligators walk with their legs under them.

American alligators walk with their legs under them
They don’t walk like crocodiles.
Source: Google

Did you know american alligators walk with their legs under them?

Even though crocodiles walk with their legs outside, american alligators walk with their legs under them. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do american alligators walk with their legs under them?

The reason why is because of the size they grow to. They can be up to 8 feet long.

4. American alligators are the deadliest alligators.☠️

American alligators are the deadliest alligators
They are deadly.
Source: Google

Did you know american alligators are the deadliest alligators?

Even though reptiles are deadly, american alligators are the deadliest alligators. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are american alligators the deadliest alligators?

The reason why is that it has incredible strength and will attack any animal they can catch. Its bite also makes this animal a tank of brutal strength.

5. American alligators can’t survive in saltwater.🧂

American alligators can't survive in saltwater
They live in saltwater.
Source: Google

Did you know american alligators can’t survive in saltwater?

Unlike crocodiles, american alligators can’t survive in saltwater. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why can’t american alligators survive in saltwater?

The reason why is because they don’t have gland to excrete salt from their bodies like crocodiles so they can live in saltwater habitats like mangrove swamps.

6. They are the second largest reptiles in North America.🌎

They are the second largest reptiles in North America
They are big reptiles.
Source: Google

Did you know they are the second largest reptiles in North America?

Even though they are many large reptiles in North America, they are the second largest reptiles in North America. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are they the second largest reptiles in North America?

The reason why is because of the size they grow to. They can be up to 15 feet long.

7. They are cannibals.🥩

They are cannibals
They are cannibals.
Source: Google

Did you know they are cannibals?

Just like crocodiles, they are cannibals. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are they cannibals?

The reason why is because of their nature. It is in their nature for a strong and big alligator to eat a weaker and smaller alligator.

📷America Alligator- In Pictures

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