8 cool reasons why the military macaw rocks

🤩8 cool reasons why the military macaw rocks👍

Last Updated: September 12, 2022By

In this post, I will be showing you 8 cool reasons why the military macaw rocks.

1. Military macaws are parrots.🦜

They are parrots.
Source: Google

Did you know military macaws are parrots?

You might not know this, but military macaws are parrots. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are military macaws parrots?

The reason why is because DNA analysis has shown that they are closely related to other parrot species like scarlet macaws, swift parrots etc. and belong to the family Psittacidae.

2. Military macaws are the third fastest parrots on Earth.🏃‍♂️

They are fast.
Source: Google

Did you know military macaws are the third fastest parrots on Earth?

Even though there are many fast parrot species, military macaws are the t fastest parrots on Earth. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are military macaws the third fastest parrots on Earth?

The reason is because their long body and large wings with strong muscles that make them reach speeds of 35 miles per hour.

3. Military macaws are the third largest parrots.🦜

They are big.
Source: Google

Did you know military macaws are the third largest parrots?

Even though there are many large parrots, military macaws are the third largest parrots. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are military macaws the third largest parrots?

The reason why is because of the size the gene inhabiting growth allows them to access. They can be up to be up to 3 feet long.

4. Military macaws can live to be 100 years old.👴

They live long lives.
Source: Google

Did you know military macaws can live to be 100 years old?

Like all parrots, military macaws can live to be 100 years old. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why can military macaws can live to be 100 years old?

The reason why is because it is hardwired into their lives to live long. That is just what makes them live long lives.

5. Military macaws are omnivores.🍃🍗

They are omnivores.
Source: Google

Did you know military macaws are omnivores?

Even though they are mostly found eating fruits, military macaws are omnivores. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are military macaws omnivores?

The reason why is because of their diet. Their diet is made up of nuts, stems, fruit, flowers, bugs, nectar, snails, seeds and foliage and that is what makes them omnivores.

6. Military macaws are the second loudest parrots.

They have large wings.
Source: Google

Did you know military macaws are the second loudest parrots?

Even though they are the third largest parrots, military macaws are the second loudest parrots. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why are military macaws the second loudest parrots?

The reason why is because they need loud sounds to communicate with other parrots far away.

7. Military macaws have the third strongest bite force of all parrots.🦷

They have strong beaks.
Source: Google

Did you know military macaws have the third strongest bite force of all parrots?

Even though they don’t have any teeth in their beaks, military macaws have the third strongest bite force of all parrots. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do military macaws have the third strongest bite force of all parrots?

The reason why is because of their strong beaks and their shape which is perfect for biting. They have a overwhelming bite force of 700 pounds per square inch I(PSI).

8. Military macaws eat clay as a part of their diet.

They eat clay.
Source: Google

Did you know military macaws eat clay as a part of their diet?

Even though some parrot species don’t eat clay as part of their diet, military macaws eat clay as a part of their diet. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why do military macaws eat clay as a part of their diet?

The reason why is because clay is necessary to the diet of the military macaws. You see, military macaws eat some fruits that are toxic so the clay sticks with the toxic so that they are unharmed and also there are different kinds of minerals in the clay which is good for the diet of the military macaw.

📷Military Macaw- In Pictures


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