10 reasons why the lion rocks

👊Lion VS Gorilla: Who would win in a fight⚔️

Last Updated: October 5, 2022By

In this post, the topic is Lion VS Gorilla: Who would win in a fight?

Lions and Gorillas🦁🦍

As some of the strongest animals in the world, people would wonder who will win in a fight but even though they both live in Africa, they live in different habitats so they’ve never duked it out. Well keep your hopes firm cause this is gonna be an epic battle, its Lion VS Gorilla!

Comparing Lions and Gorillas

SizeLength: 4.7-8.2 feet Height: 3-4 feet Weight: 170-250 kgLength: 4-5 feet Height: 4.4-6 feet Weight: 137-228 kg
Speed81 kilometers an hour(50 mph) for short distances40 kilometers per hour(25 mph) for short distances
Bite force650-1000 bite power1300 bite power
DefensesHunt in prides, powerful bite, can escape with speed, can climb trees.Powerful arms, powerful bite, can escape with speed, live in groups.
Offensive capabilitiesSharp claws to dash foes, powerful blow, powerful biting power.Powerful blow, powerful biting power.
Predatory behaviorHunt in prides, stalks and pounces, may act as enduring predator.This animal eats insects, crustaceans and plants.
SensesGreat sense of sight(especially night vision), smell and hearing.Human sense of sight, good smelling and human hearing.

Lion VS Gorilla: Size🧍‍♂️

Lions are bigger.
Source: Google

Lions have a length of 8.2 feet and that of a gorilla is 6 ft. Height of a gorilla is bigger than a lion’s but gorillas weigh less. So sorry to all the fans of gorillas, it is taller than a lion but is lighter and shorter.

Lions win this round with their size advantage.

Lion VS Gorilla: Speed🏃‍♂️

The Lion Quiz- What makes this animal unique?
Lions are bigger and faster than gorillas.
Source: Google

Gorillas have a speed of 40 kilometers per hour(25 mph) but lions can reach speeds of a whopping of 81 kilometers an hour(50 mph) but only for a short time. However, the gorilla is also a sprinter(runs short distances). So I guess we have a winner.

Lions win this round with their speed advantage.

Lion VS Gorilla: Bite force🦷

They have stronger bites.
Source: Google

Lions have a bite power of 650-1000 PSI but gorillas have a bite force of 1300 PSI. They both have bite power strong enough to kill animals quickly, but gorillas have a stronger bite. Sorry folks, but I guess …

Gorillas win this round with their bite power advantage.

Lion VS Gorilla: Defenses🛡️

Lions are social so they kill prey with team work.
Source: Google

Lions hunt and live in prides and can deliver a blow with 1,300 pounds of force. Gorillas are social and can deliver a blow of up to 2,700 pounds of force. Lions use their climbing skills as a defense, but both can escape with speed. I would love to give the gorilla the win of this round, but the true winner is …

Lions win this round because their defenses are more positive to work.

Lion VS Gorilla: Offensive capabilities🗡️

They have the same offensive capability.
Source: Google

Lions and gorillas have deadly attacks. Lion have sharp claws to dash foes, but they both have a powerful blow and powerful bite. This is a short round but let’s see the winner of the round.

Lions win this round with deadly offensive capabilities.

Lion VS Gorilla: Predatory behavior🍖

Both are social.
Source: Google

Lions stalk and pounce when hunting, hunt in prides and may act endurant. However gorillas are omnivores that only eat animals that are easy to catch which are insects and crustaceans so gorillas can’t kill bigger and harder animals. The winner of the round is …

Lions win this round with their ability to kill big and hard prey and their teamwork.

Lion VS Gorilla: Senses👁️

Lions are nocturnal and gorillas diurnal.
Source: Google

Lions have great senses. Great sense of sight(especially night vision), smell and hearing. But gorillas have human-like sense of hearing and sight but good sense of smell. So …

Lions win this round with stronger senses.

Lion VS Gorilla: Who will win in a fight?⚔️

A lion would win in a fight with a gorilla.
Source: Google

A lion would win in a fight with a gorilla. The scenario is this simple: the lion will ambush the gorilla and surprisingly attack and use its defenses and offenses and will eventually win. They are both aggressive so both sides would get injuries but nevertheless a lion would still win.

So the lion won this round, but can he keep the title of “King of the Jungle”? Next up the lion takes on the tiger to see who’s the top cat. We’ll see who wins on another one of the most epic battles ever.

Want more animal action? Check the epic battles below.


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