3 reasons why the pine marten rocks

3 reasons why the pine marten rocks

Last Updated: August 12, 2022By

In this post, I will be showing you 3 reasons why the pine marten rocks.

1. Pine martens can be aggressive animals.

3 reasons why the pine marten rocks
They can kill snowshoe hares. Source: Google

Did you know pine martens can be aggressive animals?

Even though they look cute, pine martens are aggressive animals. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why can pine martens be aggressive animals?

The reason why is that it gets aggressive when defending itself from a predator or trying to capture prey. Thy also have a bite force of 380 PSI.

2. Pine martens don’t hibernate during winter.

3 reasons why the pine marten rocks
They are smelly. Source: Google

Did you know pine martens don’t hibernate during winter?

Even though animals hibernate during winter, pine martens don’t hibernate during winter. Isn’t that amazing?

Now, why don’t pine martens hibernate during winter?

The reason is because they have the features to thrive(live) in cold conditions so it doesn’t have to hibernate.

3. Pine martens have with semi-retractable claws!

3 reasons why the pine marten rocks
Some pangolins climb. Source: Google

Did you know pine martens have semi-retractable claws?

Just like other mustelids like honey badgers, pine martens have semi-retractable claws. Isn’t that overwhelming?

Now, why do pine martens have semi-retractable claws?

The reason why is that they don’t need retractable claws to climb but need sharp claws to climb. And also having retractable claws would be useless in the life of a pine marten.

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