👊Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Who would win in a fight⚔️

👊Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Who would win in a fight⚔️

Last Updated: July 14, 2023By

In this post, the topic is 👊Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Who would win in a fight⚔️

Elephants and Rhinos🐘🦏

As some of the strongest animals in the world, people would wonder who will win in a fight. They both live in Africa, so they have fought before but no matter who won those battles, keep those aside because this is gonna be an epic battle, its Elephant VS Rhinoceros!

Comparing Elephants and Rhinos

  Elephant Rhinoceros
Size Length: 20-24 feet Height: 10-13 feet Weight: 4,700–6,048 kg kg Length: 14-17 feet Height: 5-6 feet Weight: 3,500-4,500 kg
Speed 40 kilometers an hour(25 mph) for short distances 64 kilometers per hour(40 mph) for short distances
Bite force 4,500-10,000 bite power 1,000-2,000 bite power
Defenses Large size and strength, thick and tough skin, tusk defense, herd protection, vocal communication, aggressiveness Thick and armored skin, large size and strength, herd protection, aggressiveness, horn defense
Offensive capabilities Charging, aggressive displays, trunk use Charging, aggressive displays, horns use
Predatory behavior Herbivorous animal Herbivorous animal
Senses Vibrations and seismic communication, good sense of sight, great sense of smell, touch and hearing. Terrible sense of sight, great sense of smell, touch and hearing.

Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Size🧍‍♂️

Elephants are bigger.
Source: Google

Elephants have a length of 24 feet and that of a rhino is 17 ft. Height of a rhino is smaller than that of an elephant’s and rhinos weigh less. So sorry to all the fans of rhinos, it is smaller, shorter and lighter than the elephant.

Elephants win this round with their size advantage.

Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Speed🏃‍♂️

Rhinos are faster.
Source: Google

Elephants have a speed of 40 kilometers per hour(25 mph) but rhinos can reach speeds of a whopping of 64 kilometers an hour(40 mph). Both are sprinters but can run for long distances as well. However, elephants run far at a pace of 16 kilometers per hour(10 mph) but rhinos run far at a pace of 50 kilometers per hour(30 mph). So I guess we have a winner.

Rhinos win this round with their speed advantage.

Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Bite force🦷

They have stronger bites.
Source: Google

To be honest, no one would expect these two to have a strong bite force. But actually, they have some of the most powerful jaws on Earth. Rhinos have a bite force of 1000-2000 PSI but elephants have a bite force of 4500-10000 PSI. However these are the estimates from scientific tests so they may vary due to age, size and species. Nevertheless, we have a winner.

Elephants win this round with their bite power advantage.

Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Defenses🛡️

They have more defenses.
Source: Google

Elephants have large size and strength, thick and tough skin, tusk defense, herd protection, vocal communication, and aggressiveness. Rhinos have thick and armored skin, large size and strength, herd protection, aggressiveness, horn defense. I would love to give the rhino the win of this round, but the true winner is …

Elephants win this round because they have more options for defense.

Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Offensive capabilities🗡️

They have the same offensive capability.
Source: Google

Elephants and rhinoceroses have deadly attacks. Elephants have charging, aggressive displays, and trunk use while rhinos have charging, aggressive displays, and horns use. This is a short round but let’s see the winner of the round.

Looks like it’s a tie.

Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Predatory behavior🍖

Both are herbivores.
Source: Google

Now, elephants and rhinos are herbivores. They are not predators. So I’m sure you know what is going to happen in this round.

Looks like it’s a tie.

Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Senses👁️

Elephant have better senses.
Source: Google

Now it all comes down to who has better senses. Elephants have vibrations and seismic communication, good sense of sight, great sense of smell, touch and hearing while rhinos have terrible sense of sight, great sense of smell, touch and hearing. So …

Elephants win this round with stronger senses and an extra sense taht the rhino doesn’t have.

Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Who will win in a fight?⚔️

👊Elephant VS Rhinoceros: Who would win in a fight⚔️

An elephant would win in a fight with a rhino. With larger size, immense strength and incredible senses, it would beat the rhino hands down. The elephant would get injured but still win. Also I didn’t mention, at a specific period, the temoral gland on his head swells and brings pain making it even more aggressive than normal.If a rhino fought him in such a period, the rhino is dead meat. The only way it would live is if he runs away as he is faster than the elephant.

So the elephant won this round, but that doesn’t mean he’s untouchable. How would he do against about 10 hyenas? We’ll see who wins on another one of the most epic battles ever.

Want more animal action? Check the epic battles below.


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